
What a summer it has been!

What a summer it has been!

The fall rains and cooler nights are here, welcome after a summer with significant drought. As one friend said in a recent gathering, “Hello winter, we know you are coming to get us!” But every season at Little Pond has its joys and treasures and we have so much to be thankful for as we look back at the Summer of 2022.

Spring is Here!

Spring is Here!

It’s March 21, 2022, the first day of Spring and we are excited to launch this new website celebrating our current vision for Little Pond. As we gathered pictures, pondered what we wanted to communicate, and worked with our son Sam George and his eye for wonderful design touches, we could hardly believe how much has happened since the last time we worked on the website in 2012!

That's all, folks!

That's all, folks!